Clients are now allowed to come into the consulting room with their animals but we ask that only one of you comes in as the room is not that big. When you arrive at the surgery, can you wait outside and the receptionist will confirm when you can enter (there is shelter and seating outside the surgery). You must wear a face mask at all times on the premises, we will check your temperature with an infrared forehead thermometer before you come in, and then ask that you apply hand gel in the reception area. You will then be directed into the consulting room after it has been cleaned thoroughly.
If your pet needs a procedure eg blood sampling, we will take them into the prep area where a nurse will assist the vet and they will then be brought back to you in the consulting room.
If your pet is being admitted to the hospital for a procedure, then we will email you (generally in advance) with a consent form, along with an estimate and information about feeding etc. We ask that you reply to this email giving consent, or any questions you have. You do not need to print and sign the form.
If you or anyone close to you is unwell or has any signs of COVID and your pet needs to come and visit us, please inform our receptionists and we will do all we can to arrange appropriate treatment while not exposing any of our staff to unnecessary risk.
We are putting these procedures in place to try and ensure the health and wellbeing of both staff and clients, while trying to continue to offer the best possible treatment to your pets.